Myah Marie

Myah Marie

Friday, May 15, 2009


SO...ive been writing, writing constantly this past week!

I had MAJOR motivation since i met LADY GAGA HERSELF!! on tuesday!!! backstage @ Dancing With The Stars

OMG u can see her performance this coming tuesday, its going to air. =] look for me in the crowd!!!

i was in the second row !

Anyways, So yeah, i got totally motivated after meeting her. She's awesome. and her bday is only a couple days after mine!! alsdkfj

i've also been getting some MIXES back from my producers! (STARKILLERS aka Nick Terranova, and Howie Hersh!) I LOVE BOTH OF THEM !! 

omg they sound sooo fricken amazing. My favorite song right now of my album HAS TO BE "SORRY" ...I wrote it about an ex boyfriend and how i feel sorry for him. 

because i really did try to make it work, but his life was too complicated and overdramatic for me to handle, and i actually started to pity him.  I'm sure lots of you can relate, here is a sneak peak of some of the lyrics...

"cuz there will be no happy ending

you have been warned

i think im up to here with negative vibes

how can i sit here just pretending

in the eye of the storm

and theres no coming back, so dont even try"


i'll be heading back to vegas on Sunday or Monday for the next month or so to get back in shape and get everything in order!!

love you guys

xxMyah Marie!

Monday, May 4, 2009

lesson learned :/ ...

so im officially crazy.

i think i've known it all along, but im an over-exaggerator and a dramatist at worst.

i think it must be because ive been through so much pain and heartbreak and all that nasty stuff, and THATS why i'm so paranoid that everyones out to get me. im SO scared to let anyone get in, that when i finally LET THEM, i sabotage it to all hell and tear it to pieces so they can no longer creep inside me anymore.

im scared of hurt, but i think i CAUSE more pain because im trying to skate around it. (if you catch my drift...)

on top of that because of this stress im breaking out. ugh. my skin always seems to have problems!!! if its not one pimple, its another lol a constant reminder of my imperfections everyyy mornniiinnnnggg!!! 

ok, who am i kidding, ive got it pretty good. im working on my album, doing what i love (not really getting paid necessarily yet...but i'm getting there ;) 

so things aren't so bad. 

so why must i always MAKE them be? its like im comfortable in chaos, so just when things start to get good, they end up being all screwy and nutso because i sense something is too "right".

haha. ill work on it i guess, night night

im watching the N and going to sleep now.

p.s.- i wrote another song today! it was kind of a joke....
its called

"the walk of shame"

does anyone know what that is? and have YOU guys ever done the walk of shame?? ;)

-Myah Marie!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

pain pain go away....


well. lets see. i've been BEDRIDDEN since MONDAY!
i got my dreaded wisdom teeth out. it really wasn't THAT bad. well, wasn't for me at least. i didnt get swollen chipmunk cheeks or anything. the first day is the day that sucked the MOST. i couldnt eat 6 hours before my surgery so thnk god it was in the morning. i walk in, scared shitless and im early to my appointment, so thats even WORSE considering im sitting there, counting down the minutes to when they will be slicing my GUMS OPEN and extracting unnecessary teeth out whilst im knocked out on the table. i was freaking out because i'd heard some stories about WAKING UP on the surgery thank you i DONT WANT TO WAKE UP. so that kept running through my mind. they call me in and i walk in, and they knock me out with an i.v. i woke up like an hour later all woosy and loopy. my friend josh took me home and i passed out. then the pain kicked in.

now, im totally against painkillers, scared to DEATH of them, actually. so at first i was all, like, nahhh i dont need no vicodin..

WRONG. i was SCREAMING for some vicodin and i had to crush it up like a drug addict. 

so it sucks, like today, i dont FEEL horrible, but i cant really GO OUT. so im STILL bedridden, watching MTV's "TRUE LIFE IM FAT AND I LIKE IT"

speaking of, i think all ive eaten has been pudding and ice cream haha so i've probably gained some poundage if you know what im sayin. cant be good just consuming food and laying down for dayyss on enddd..

anywho, the worst of it is over. hopefully i will be able to walk around and go out tomorrow or something. 



so, ive been getting my songs mixed/mastered. and they sound GREAT! hopefully ill be able to put up a sample of the album soon!

anyways, thats why ive been outta the loop for a bit. i love you guys and keep emailing me!

p.s.- u can always follow my every move and stalk me on twitter. lol

xx Myah Marie!